
Attended ConnectX 2024 in Atlanta this year, and it was a blast! The event was a fantastic opportunity to connect with existing clients, learn new things, and network with new professionals. I'm grateful to the organizers for putting together such a memorable and emotion-filled event. Looking forward to the next one! Thank you, Atlanta, for your hospitality!

Big thanks to the organizers and everyone who joined in for making NATE 2024 such a fantastic event! It's been a great chance to keep up with the latest in telecom and navigate the job market vibes. The cool activities and sessions at NATE really boosted our team's skills and professionalism. At Albul Engineering, we're all about staying in the loop and promoting inclusivity in everything we do!

We attended TR-14 In-Person Committee Meeting and had an incredible learning experience, enjoyed outstanding networking opportunities, and had a great time. Thank you the organizers and participants, and exhibitors for discussing the latest industry knowledge from applicable reference documents, standards and code.

Our deep gratitude to the organizers and all the participants for the great event. WON 2023 it's a unique opportunity for women not only to get to know the latest updates in telecom, but also to follow actual job trends and meet gender challenges. Various activities, valuable insides, engaging sessions, and new contacts thanks to WON boosted the skills and professionalism of our company's women. We at Albul Engineering always aspire to go with the time and gender equality.

We attended Fiber Connect 2023 and had an incredible learning experience, enjoyed outstanding networking opportunities, and had a great time. Thank you the organizers and participants, and exhibitors for an extremely well-organized event in such a beautiful place. Looking forward to next year's FC24 in Nashville, TN.

Soil Resistivity

The electrical resistance of an earth electrode is intrinsically tied to the unique resistivity characteristics exhibited by the soil in which it is meticulously placed and driven. Therefore, the precise assessment and measurement of soil resistivity assume paramount significance in the meticulous design of earthing installations. Know more...